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Parties to Council


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Request for Proposals Amanzi Bargaining Council_page-0001

Welcome to the official site of the Amanzi Bargaining Council

Amanzi BC

The Amanzi BC was first established as a Statutory Council in terms of the Labour Relations Act in 2005. In 2011 the parties to the Council voluntary agreed to convert the Statutory Council to a Bargaining Council.

The parties to the Amanzi BC are SAAWU (South African Association of Water Utilities), SAMWU (South African Municipal Workers Union), NEHAWU (National Education, Health and Allied Workers Union) and UASA (United Association of South Africa). The relationship is governed by the  Council’s Constitution, a collective agreement, read in conjunction with the provisions of the Labour Relations Act.  SAAWU is the recognized Employer Organisation representing Water Utilities in the BC, while the trade union parties represent in excess of 5000 employees in the sector. The employer body and the trade unions are responsible for negotiating conditions of service and matters of mutual interest that will become binding on all employees in the sector.



The scope of the Amanzi BC is the water board sector in which any organisation provides water services to other water service institutions, as defined in the Water Services Act, Act no.108 of 1997, excluding the Local Government undertaking in the Republic of South Africa.